All speech, written or spoken, is a dead language, until it finds a willing and prepared hearer." - Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Halloween III: Season of the Witch

I love John Carpenter's Halloween franchise, but the only one that I thought it wasn't all that good was the third one which is the Season of the Witch. I thought it would have a witch involved with Michael Myers, but it wasn't. It had to do with an malevolent business man making masks for children and when they watch some commercial about the masks, and a flashing pumpkin, then all hell breaks loose. The masks would have bugs, snakes and any poisonous or deadly critter killing the children. Then having robots who look like people killing off anyone that know what is going on. I know it could be Carpenter's style considering another person did it.

 A large Halloween mask-making company has plans to kill millions of American children with something sinister hidden in Halloween masks. The rating for this was 3.9/10. I have to agree because, I mean if you have the first two about a killer and you change it and it had nothing to do with Michael Myers except advertizing it on a television. That's going to leave fans in question, about what does it have to do with Michael Myers? Now if it was another title of some sort, then it would have been okay probably have a better rating. But being as it may, that it's part of the Halloween franchise, it's expected to get a poor rating. I mean the plot needed to be a bit better, it was very cliched. Cliched as in that the businessman was very well liked and then turned evil because of being tradition to the 'real' meaning of Halloween and it was more of a thrill kill too. What's worse is that it was obvious that his first victims of the commercial and the masks was his best seller and his wife and child. I didn't even find it scary either, I guess apparently not a lot people either.

A Vampire's Kiss (1989)

This movie was absolutely terrible. I mean any person who love vampire movies, would be insulted or in shame seeing this! I love the actor Nicolas Cage in several different movies, but this movie wasn't his best work. I even saw the ratings 5.4/10.

 After an encounter with a neck-biter, a publishing executive thinks that he's turning into a vampire.

What kind of plot is this?! I mean if the person is a vampire, then the victim would either be a vampire or dead. I mean what kind of a vampire, would need to buy his own fangs?! That doesn't even make sense! I rather watch Twilight and see vampires glistening in the sunlight than seeing a supposed vampire buying his own fangs. Cage goes all mad talking to himself and imaging he's talking to people and even going off on other people. I even checked out wikipedia's version of what the movie is about. Still doesn't make sense. I will say this, Cage, has improved through the years as an actor. I'm sorry but this movie, wasn't his best work. I mean Jim Carrey could pull over being insane or even Jack Nicholson. I seen better 80's vampires: My Best Friend is a Vampire, Once Bitten, Fright Night (1985) so far I think of in the 80's. I mean if this was a comedy, I wouldn't find it funny. I mean Jim Carrey's role in Once Bitten was much more hilarious than this movie. Again, not saying Cage isn't talented but this movie wasn't his best work. 

Reason is because, I love vampire movies and very traditional. If something is off course unless, it makes logical sense, I wouldn't approve of it. 

Wes Craven's My Soul to Take

I love Wes Craven and his movies, I mean I love Freddy Krueger! I have the DVD from beginning to his last Freddy Vs. Jason. Even love the Scream series and I love Vampire in Brooklyn. But after watching his latest work called My Soul to Take, I couldn't say that was his best work. I mean the plot sounded oddly familiar.

 "A serial killer returns to his hometown to stalk seven children who share the same birthday as the date he was allegedly put to rest."

I think that sounds oddly tad similar to Nightmare on Elm Street, now Freddy had a reason to have revenge on the first two series of the movie, but after words, it was more of a thrill kill. I mean killing off children of the parents that put him to rest was slightly reasonable than this serial killer in My Soul to Take. I mean what did the other children do wrong? I thought it was more of a thrill kill than having a reason to kill. I mean this story wasn't fully thought out. I love Wes, and appreciate his horror movies, but this one, I just can't look at it. I mean even watching from beginning to end, still didn't do anything to me. A good horror movie should have a balance of gore and comedy or something else oh yes and a decent plot: something Vampire in Brooklyn it was a horror movie and it was a comedy. My Soul to Take's plot made no sense to me, I rather watch John Carpenter's Halloween if this is the case. The idea could have been better, I think. I mean the guy deserve to die, he killed others, why made the innocent children die. I mean Nightmare on Elm Street children were innocent too, but that was a reason for retaliation, in this case. It's like the children are paying for their parents' sins for his death. Of course he would want revenge, and since he's a sadistic sandman, he needs energy from children to live. This clown of a serial killer is just killing innocent children. I mean I know serial killers kill, but i think they have more of a reason to kill and basic on birthdays or something. Where's the motive? I mean if he wants to kill, then kill off the one that put him to death! You don't have to take my word for it, but I just had to post this. After I saw it, I was absolutely disappointed by this movie.